I believe your last number is off. First time I went to the site it gave me - 80 8 44 and 57. I refreshed 5 times to confirm.
Now I get:
81 11 2 and 10.
The countdown has gone up by 1 day, 2 hours, 16 minutes and 13 seconds. (Check me) Anybody else getting these numbers?
I just did a quick dig through the page script for the timer and it appears to have an end date and time for the counter of 9/17/21 22:51:20
"current_date":"2021-06-29 14:01:51","expiry_date":"2021-09-17 22:51:20","timercircle animation":"smooth"
I believe your last number is off. First time I went to the site it gave me - 80 8 44 and 57. I refreshed 5 times to confirm. Now I get: 81 11 2 and 10. The countdown has gone up by 1 day, 2 hours, 16 minutes and 13 seconds. (Check me) Anybody else getting these numbers?
4457 on Gematrix is ‘Jesus will win He always does’
If you go to each page in their drop down menu you will get a different cout down.
"Home" 81 11 2 10 "How we work" 84 4 38 40 "Insights & access" 84 4 42 37 "News & resources" 84 4 42 8 "Our history" 84 4 40 55 "Portfolio" 84 4 42 8 "Reading library" 83 8 17 17