The how to make quinine meme from last year.
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Wait though. It says HCQ "is nothing but quinine". This is factually untrue. They bear some semblance but saying this does not reflect well on the author of that recipe. I urge anyone who is interested in the subject to do their own research beforehand! (Duh, as always)
Or, just buy tonic water, it contains 89mgs of quinine per 8 ounce glass.
Drink one with lime juice for flavor daily. Also take the zinc. Mybwife is a medical scientist and we've been on it for a year. The brits started it to keep their colonies malaria free in areas where it was a threat even if inget a sniffle and drink a glass I end up feeling much better.
Any papers with efficacy studies that you can recommend?
Will consider for at bare minimum a placebo effect, knowing its power and all. But always like seeing some hard data to back things up regardless.