I don't know wtf happened over at patriots.win, but I swear this is a selfie of every time someone comments "Qtard" and his loyal shills jump on the bandwagon.

Dommerism over there is what brought me here.
Yup I deemed them reddit Jr a long time ago and never looked back. Aside from their good memes, nothing of value exists over there. Surface level garage from surface level people. It's the exact same feeling I had when browsing r/conspiracy before finding neons' gab group / voat before the ddos attacks forcing accounts on lurkers. I was actually fine with the anti q stance many had. It's the way they behave like redditors when confronted with facts they don't like. I'm smart enough to know there are levels to this shit but they clearly aren't (Chans > GA > TD > reddit). Look bud I don't give a shit if you `member the glory days of taking over r/all and all that. If your comment is shit then it is shit.
Pretty sure patriots.win has been taken over by Reddit-brand shills ever since the original owner warned us that "if a particular thing ever happens," we should know the site is compromised. Then like 3 days later that exact thing happened and GreatAwakening.win became the only logical alternative.
I’ve read something similar to that before. The whole situation screams of subversion and those who stayed at PDW are likely caught in the same machine that takes down so many online communities - manipulative tactics which encourage emotional responses.
Thesese are probably the same type of people that voted for Romney.
I sometimes feel like even a lot of the people on here voted for Romney.
Ive embraced the term qtard, aswell as MAGATS. Fuck em who cares
Samesies kek. What's great is this style of username actually meant they weren't sure if I was pro or anti q since my replies were always attacking the msg not trying to shill for dear leader q.
I guess a qtard could be essentially be considered a pure bread autist?
So wth r those fags doin over there? Thinkin nothings gomna get done and we just habe to vote in a cheated election in 2024?
This makes no sense. You don't have to correct 2020 to implement voter-id, require a valid reason for mail-in, ban Dominion machines, require paper ballots, etc. Trump assuming the role of president also doesn't fix any of these on its own.
Now if none of these things happen then of course the result will be the same, but if they are implemented then 2020 could feasibly be left as is, though it would be a permanent black mark in our history.
It's not "waiting until 2024". If the audits start piling on in every state and show clearly that Trump won, but no state has the balls to do anything to fix 2020, that doesn't mean all those states can't start implementing strong election security as I mentioned before. In this case, everything would be fixed before 2024 so 2024 would then be an actual secure election. None of this requires anything to be done about 2020 other than prove that it was massively insecure and had the real result illegally changed. You don't have to correct the past to secure the future.
Definitely agree with that. While I don't think it's technically a requirement of fixing our broken voting systems I definitely agree it's important and that it would be best to get Trump back in as soon as possible and even allow for a proper attempt at a full term in 2024.
Makes you wonder why they are still there.
They are like moths to all the glowies.