When in doubt, just remember, the old structures have lost thier control. Or there wouldn't be such a campaign by the whore media and trash govt. going on still to this day. If everything were back in their control, we would be watching all the old lullabies we used to, and snoozing away.... but we are not. And still to this very day, the trash talking on Q and Trump continues.
I really feel like this is serious business. Especially when I see Trump still Alive. And untouched by criminal charges. He is an EXTREMELY WANTED man in my opinion, the infamous, "they" want him dead so bad I bet....
Just saying, it may be crazy out there, but I consider that a good thing. Pretty much why all my trust, is in The LORD at this point.
I know right!?!?! Same here!!! Especially in the debates with Hillary, I was like what am I watching??? This is the coolest thing I've ever seen!! I mean, this guy literally turned politics on its head! And I am genuinely surprised at how untouched he is. I have heard there have been many attempts. On not just him, but those close to him too. And honestly, I believe it. That is why, to be part of that circle of family and friends, you gotta have liquid titanium coursing through your veins. In any case, I believe this was the right man for the job. Still is too. Couldn't have picked a better bad mammajamma.
When in doubt, just remember, the old structures have lost thier control. Or there wouldn't be such a campaign by the whore media and trash govt. going on still to this day. If everything were back in their control, we would be watching all the old lullabies we used to, and snoozing away.... but we are not. And still to this very day, the trash talking on Q and Trump continues.
I really feel like this is serious business. Especially when I see Trump still Alive. And untouched by criminal charges. He is an EXTREMELY WANTED man in my opinion, the infamous, "they" want him dead so bad I bet....
Just saying, it may be crazy out there, but I consider that a good thing. Pretty much why all my trust, is in The LORD at this point.
I know right!?!?! Same here!!! Especially in the debates with Hillary, I was like what am I watching??? This is the coolest thing I've ever seen!! I mean, this guy literally turned politics on its head! And I am genuinely surprised at how untouched he is. I have heard there have been many attempts. On not just him, but those close to him too. And honestly, I believe it. That is why, to be part of that circle of family and friends, you gotta have liquid titanium coursing through your veins. In any case, I believe this was the right man for the job. Still is too. Couldn't have picked a better bad mammajamma.
I really do enjoy the look on all the rats faces these days. Just total panic mode, 24/7!
And I'm all over here like... u/#mjpopcorn