posted ago by RighteousWeed ago by RighteousWeed +20 / -0

Seriously, WTF!!!??? IT is the law to apprehend law breakers, even at the border, and to prosecute criminals... so, why listen to those who are telling you to unlawfully ignore the laws and rules of this country???? why the fuck isn't texas telling the feds to fuk off??? why aren't they sending them back across the border?? Biden can't negate the law. Executive order can not negate the law. Hell, even marshall law doesn't negate the law (it just changes them and suspends some liberties and freedoms TEMPORARILY)

We should be able to sue each person in ice and border patrol who tells their subordinates to violate the law, and we should be able to sue / prosecute those who follow unlawful orders.

My opinion. But, Texas needs to stand up and make America honor its' laws. with a literal f'u' biden from our Governor - it's the only way i'm voting for him this next cycle - dumb ass caved to the left with a mask mandate.