That was in relationship to a lack of holiness and disrespect for the house of God. Not in relationship to the ruling Roman government. Trump is trying to save this country without a civil war. Do a little research. Most countries do not recover from a civil war. Most end up with a totalitarian government. ( which is the direction they are already dragging us). We need change without the destruction. This takes finesse. Not a sledge hammer. Hence the saying Where We Go One, We Go all. And Together we are strong, divided we are Weak. And you might as well add division makes us vulnerable to totalitarianism.
That was in relationship to a lack of holiness and disrespect for the house of God. Not in relationship to the ruling Roman government. Trump is trying to save this country without a civil war. Do a little research. Most countries do not recover from a civil war. Most end up with a totalitarian government. ( which is the direction they are already dragging us). We need change without the destruction. This takes finesse. Not a sledge hammer. Hence the saying Where We Go One, We Go all. And Together we are strong, divided we are Weak. And you might as well add division makes us vulnerable to totalitarianism.