Photos Show What US Admiral Meant When He Warned of China's 'Breathtaking' Nuclear Expansion
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The closer they are together, the easier it is to take them out with one reentry vehicle. Two miles. Just one of our nukes could vaporize all matter in a 5-mile radius. There’s a good reason to disperse them or have them mobile like Russia does.
Hopefully the contractors building these facilities are using the same "tofu-crete" they have been using to build evetything else. Either way, to ensure a good outcome we would have to put enough of these facilities into the atmosphere that the end result would be bad for everyone not currently supplied with a deep ground bunker and a 200 year supply of necessities. We're back to MAD strategy with a regime that cares even less for it's people than Soviet Russia. The best strategy is to make everyone in China fat and happy by helping to eliminate the CCP. I don't want war with China, their people don't desrve it.