PRAYER WARRIORS: For a while now we have been doing an 8pm EASTERN prayer where each person that takes part prays for 1 min for each other and the world. This unity pray has brought huge results and helped lifted up many many people here. It has brought the power of prayer back into many of our lives. We have almost been training ourselves to wield the weapon of prayer. But now we are asking for each of you to go on the offensive. I am not talking the physical offense thru violence or brute force. I am talking about the spiritual offensive. We now take prayer directly to the "powers of darkness" themselves. We are asking each and every one of you at 8pm EDT daily, to stop what ever your doing, and go inside your mind and prayer to our Father in heaven, that he will cast out these powers of darkness once and for all. Pray that these powers will be destroyed once and for all. Its time we mount up on our spiritual nukes of prayer and unity and bring the weapon of prayer straight to the source of evil. I hope each and every one of u will join us. Together thru God and prayer WE WIN!!!
Heavenly Father we lift up our friend darkwinter, let them feel nothing but your love and light. Father they ask for forgiveness for there sin of revenge and vengeance. They are truly trying to put these aside so they can put their whole faith in you. We know in the end all evil will have its day of judgement, but that judgment will come from you. So until that day please lift up our friend and put your arms around them so they are left with nothing but the peace that comes from your spirit. Let them know that you are a forgiving God if we truly repent so they may move past these negative feelings and rise up as the warriors of light they were destined to be. Give them strength to keep praying and to continue to turn to you when they fall short, for we all fall short of your glory but we are all given a chance to rise up from that sin into something new. Amen
God bless you friend this was an amazing comment. We all fall short of his glory. The important thing is you are aware of it and like you said u lay that sin at the foot of the cross and give him those sins. For he already won that battle for you. I truly pray you will continue to join us in prayer at 8 daily. We are in this together my friend. I am here if u ever need a friend or more prayer. Keep your head up. Keep turning to God he loves us more than we can ever know
God bless you as well. It's never a bad idea to point out your own shortcomings and ask God for forgiveness. We love you all the same and I'm sure you made God pleased by doing it. Keep being the light for others my friend. And dont forget 8pm prayer.
Fortunately God isn't all judgy like people.
@slechta5614 - It is important to note the event yesterday in nashville, TN. All of our prayer warriors should watch it if they have time.
It's truly amazing seeing God rise up so many of his people. The world is slowly changing. I will make sure I watch the whole video at some point. Will get back to you with my thoughts. I truly hope you will join us daily at 8pm eastern..we all have a purpose a calling. God WINS love you friend
Hey so I was reading some of your history and saw your a programmer and developer. We have created a discord server to serve God thru prayer and fellowship and could always use someone of your talents. No pressure but here is the link if your ever interested. I dont know exactly what we are doing just yet but i felt called to invite you. Its always good to have people with your skills on a team. God bless u