The following from
Recently (this last WEEK) we have now had (not counting the battery fire because that can be explained):
The Rockton Illinois Chem tool explosion This explosion shut down the manuacture of lubricants for industrial machines. Take a look at the first paragraph on their company page, and then (try) to wonder about why the globalists would want that destroyed. You will not have to try too hard.
The blast in Thailand This factory made the precursors to polystyrene (styrofoam). This was a huge explosion, with a blast damage zone two kilometers across.
The blast in India This facility made the precursors to polystyrene also.
a refinery explosion in Romania.
also another major petroleum explosion in Azerbaijan.
This type of sabotage theory is basically "destroy the tools that make the tools that make the tools". The Allies in WW2 did this by bombing factories which the machinery which made gears. Those gears were used in airplane engines, etc.
Wow. Thanks for pulling this together. Really does back up the notion of a forced, deliberate distribution shortage.
The forest across the street didn't burn.
California for comparison