This is why since the election I download as much data and information I possible could. Archived as much I could. I even made a digital day by day history book. Everything that has happen since Nov 3 I got.
On my server alone I got enough data to prove the election fraud and Jan 6 was a setup, intelligence operation and I got over 4 terrabites of data,information of the Cabal and its mockingbird propaganda media and their crimes they committed.
And I know many others who got gigantic servers that have cloned so much data and information it would make you head spin.
You ever noticed things you saved to your computer...not being there anymore? I've archived a few things and then been unable to find them. I'm trying to figure out why.
That's why "archive offline" is a thing. Get a usb external disk, plug it in, copy things to it, then unplug it again. Do that every weekend maybe. Like Burmeister said there's malware that can delete things, management engine back doors, whatever.
I was archiving offline onto my laptop and an external drive. I've gone to look for specific things a handful of times just to find its not there...and I label and tag everything extensively so that I'm able to quickly locate what I'm looking for.
Not good, apparently you're on someone's list? The external drive, by "unplug" I meant disconnect it from the computer, turn it off also. If you leave it connected, the files might as well be on the main disk? SD cards or usb sticks are good also. Copying to the laptop, not sure if that's actually "offline" unless there's no wifi. I wouldn't trust anything with an operating system in it, look at what happened with the WD My Book drives recently.
This is why since the election I download as much data and information I possible could. Archived as much I could. I even made a digital day by day history book. Everything that has happen since Nov 3 I got.
On my server alone I got enough data to prove the election fraud and Jan 6 was a setup, intelligence operation and I got over 4 terrabites of data,information of the Cabal and its mockingbird propaganda media and their crimes they committed.
And I know many others who got gigantic servers that have cloned so much data and information it would make you head spin.
Their plan wont work
You ever noticed things you saved to your computer...not being there anymore? I've archived a few things and then been unable to find them. I'm trying to figure out why.
That's why "archive offline" is a thing. Get a usb external disk, plug it in, copy things to it, then unplug it again. Do that every weekend maybe. Like Burmeister said there's malware that can delete things, management engine back doors, whatever.
I was archiving offline onto my laptop and an external drive. I've gone to look for specific things a handful of times just to find its not there...and I label and tag everything extensively so that I'm able to quickly locate what I'm looking for.
You're right though.
Not good, apparently you're on someone's list? The external drive, by "unplug" I meant disconnect it from the computer, turn it off also. If you leave it connected, the files might as well be on the main disk? SD cards or usb sticks are good also. Copying to the laptop, not sure if that's actually "offline" unless there's no wifi. I wouldn't trust anything with an operating system in it, look at what happened with the WD My Book drives recently.