If the CDC is a private company owning 56+ patents regarding vaccinations, who is the owner?
Is it publicly trader? Who is the CEO then? Stock holders?
What more can we find out about the hand pulling the strings?
If the CDC is a private company owning 56+ patents regarding vaccinations, who is the owner?
Is it publicly trader? Who is the CEO then? Stock holders?
What more can we find out about the hand pulling the strings?
Right. Just because it has a .gov means it isn’t full government. The CDC is a hybrid agency taking government funding and private funding and makes money off of patients. 501c3 how? lol it’s the fox watching the hen house.
The Rockefeller’s foundation. You need to go back further to 1918 and start with John Rockefeller, then go forward. Everything Big Pharm has the touch of the Rockefellers.
It’s just like the Fed Reserve a fake Gov Corp business.
Maybe a starting place: