I get to meet General Flynn!!!! I purchased a VIP ticket to meet him 1 on 1 and ask questions!!! Im soooo STOKED!!!!!
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Good luck pede. Looking forward to the debrief!
Well...... he told everyone a story... about how, then a Colonel at the time, George Washington was shot at 17 TIMES by enemy snipers... General Flynn kept saying 17 over and over. Then he spoke of a story of the first mayor of Boston who brought a batch of peeps over to the US and where caught in a storm.... how they were fleeing darkness for the light.
The question i asked was "can we expect Trump to return to the President prior to 2024 due the fraudulent election findings found my the Maricopa County office"
I didnt have a pen or paper and ZERO phones or recording devices were allowed soooo.... here is what i gathered he said ...
Courts have never once decided a presidential election. They have numerous times settled other races that were stolen i.e. Mayoral etc.... thats because NOBODY TRIED TO STEAL A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TILL NOW! ...... Michigan just stripped Evil ( yes he said evil) whitmer of her power grab and will be starting their own audit soon.... and Georgia is finding BLATANTLY OBVIOUS fraud in their state.
General Flynn is a genuine, certified, card carrying PATRIOT!
Sooo...... that was about it. He is a cool man!
A big fat nothing burger.