I am not a financial advisor, and I give no advice. I hold physical silver as well.
I am speaking only about the Squeezes. I believe they have been designed to tear apart Wall Street, and expose the rigged system, and they are doing just that.
Q constantly said we had more than we knew. He also repeatedly said two phrases: Game Over and, Enjoy the Show.
The squeezes will do more than "take out a few hedge funds". Many Banks will go down, too. It is A-okay if you don't believe me, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything... we will all see when the powers-that-be pull the ripcord on this thing. NCSWIC
I have been saying the squeezes are 100% part of the fall of the cabal since January.
This is how we take back our stolen money, too.
I am not a financial advisor, and I give no advice. I hold physical silver as well.
I am speaking only about the Squeezes. I believe they have been designed to tear apart Wall Street, and expose the rigged system, and they are doing just that.
Q constantly said we had more than we knew. He also repeatedly said two phrases: Game Over and, Enjoy the Show.
What is another way to say Game Over? GAMESTOP. Also, "Enjoy the Show" happens to be the slogan of AMC (also in the midst of a massive squeeze) https://itsfreeatlast.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Enjoy-the-Show.jpg
and look at this - what letter do you see upside down? https://www.nintendoenthusiast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/GameStop-PowerUp-Rewards.jpeg
The squeezes will do more than "take out a few hedge funds". Many Banks will go down, too. It is A-okay if you don't believe me, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything... we will all see when the powers-that-be pull the ripcord on this thing. NCSWIC