Longest, strangest dream I ever had.
Too many details, but basically dreamt start of societal collapse…
Power loss, All comms down, No services, all business closed.
Basically, first 24 hours of the 10 days of darkness
Things went to shit by the next day…
Then, while in the middle of doing patriot shit, the power & comms came back!
That’s when I woke up.
Some dreams are prophetic. Some dreams take subtle clues that your conscious mind might have missed and present them in dream form. Some dreams might be previews of alternate timelines. Since the human species dreams, there must be a reason for them.... I don't ignore dreams, I just try to understand the broader and deeper implications. Put it in the back of your mind and keep it for future reference. You may need to draw on that at some point.
Yes, I know, fellow dreamer.
I’ve had more than a few come true. Some have even saved my life.