Thanks for bringing this to the forum community's attention. I get the sense we've somewhat overlooked iodine in the WuFlu prevention/treatment discussion, focusing instead on Ivermectin, HCQ, and a laundry list of vitamins and herbal supplements.
Has anyone seen academic papers on using iodine for SARS-CoV-2? I've applied iodine to cuts before but never drank it. Anyone here ever drink drops of iodine dispersed in water as mentioned in this article? What were your experiences?
Thanks for bringing this to the forum community's attention. I get the sense we've somewhat overlooked iodine in the WuFlu prevention/treatment discussion, focusing instead on Ivermectin, HCQ, and a laundry list of vitamins and herbal supplements.
Has anyone seen academic papers on using iodine for SARS-CoV-2? I've applied iodine to cuts before but never drank it. Anyone here ever drink drops of iodine dispersed in water as mentioned in this article? What were your experiences?
Not as good as lugols.
Yes. A drop of 3% lugols in a 20 to I solution each morning, job done.