Hi everyone,
I'm looking for some tips re: how to have a close, connected relationship with my wife who's asleep. We have been drifting further apart since I started waking up since November. Do any of you have a GOOD STRONG CONNNECTED relationship with your spouse who's asleep? Any tips?
I'm not looking for tips on how to wake her up because often my attempts to red-pill has caused even more disconnect. I'm looking for tips for how to have a GOOD STRONG CONNECTED relationship despite the awake vs. asleep difference.
For context of our difference, my wife was double-vaxxed ASAP and disregards my conclusions about anything when people in authoritative positions say otherwise. We're both Christians, but it's different now. I think I was spiritually woken up and I see the world differently. She's asleep and not interested in waking up and I feel like she wants me to fall back asleep in order to connect. Problem is.. I don't want to go back to sleep. Any tips are appreciated!
I always say “my wife is napping”. She’s not awake, but she’s not asleep. What I mean by this is she supports Trump in the more traditional way, and she thinks Q is nothing more than some dude on 4 Chan who’s troll became bigger than his/hers wildest imagination. Every time an event is predicted and then doesn’t happen she teases me about the goal posts being moved yet again. At times it’s tough, but it’s gotten better ever since I stopped trying to push her deeper into my world. I generally don’t bring up the “crazy” stuff (crazy to the non-anons), and I sure as hell don’t bring up anything that has a date attached since it just gives her ammo.
Considering she was a staunch democrat up to about mid 2018 I’ll take it. The time between when Q first started and summer 18 was by far the worst. We nearly split at points as she felt neglected while I did my research, and fell deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. She later admitted that she even went as far as to talk our family doctor about getting my committed, which thankfully he brushed off as utterly ridiculous. Anyways at this point is we make it work. I don’t harass her and she doesn’t harass me. We each have our views, with a bit of overlap, so anytime we talk politics I simply try to stay within that overlap. Eventually she will join me on this journey, in the meantime I’ll patiently wait!