During a small group at church yesterday we were dicussing difficulties we are facing in raising our kids. The very first topic brought up was the assault of sexuallity on our young kids in the media and schools. We all agreed it was an attack on our Christian culture.
We had an elementary school teacher in the group and she said she received this years corriculum for 2nd grade and it was full of gay and transvestite characters in the approve reading corriculim. When she confronted the school and said she had a religious exception to teaching this material they said they would not allow her to use her Christian faith as a reason. She would have to have some other reason or she will be forced to teach the material in the fall.
All the parents in the group agreed we all need to be at the next school board meeting to fight this. Even though I go to a bible based church, I was pleasently surprised by to see the other parents as based as they were.
She should try telling them her Muslim faith won't allow it.
I hope we all can see through the facades and illusions at what is behind this push to sexualize children.
The Cabal and the Deep State players understand that they are losing their hold on humanity. Their hubris allowed them to believe that they had nothing to fear. People who have no fears have no inhibitions. These demons didn't just go pedo, they went FULL PEDO. Now that the curtains are being lifted on their depravity, they are scattering like the cockroaches they are to wherever they can.
Tell me. What does an animal do when they've no place to hide? They DIG IN. This is what we are witnessing in media, music, film, and education. The only hope these demons have is to normalize their depravity. They know they can't hide it anymore. They know they are going to get caught. They know the masses are going to tear them limb from limb. These people will not be able to walk down the street (Q). The columns of their corrupt temple are beginning to crumble, and if they succeed in bringing humanity down to their level, they will take humanity with them into the deep dark abyss they are going.
Keep fighting the good fight out there. We are winning, and the demons know it.