I know this isn’t Maury, yeah yeah. I feel so disconnected from my friends and family because I feel like I know too much. Ami I wrong, am I right? I have no idea, but obviously I wouldn’t be so adamantly stubborn if I felt I was wrong. Why do I feel like the only sane person in a world of fucking retards
P.S. Not giving a shit about saying the word “retard” - I get it, kids can’t help it, I don’t care, it’s a colloquialism
I think most of us think that very thought about a hundred times a day...
Honestly, this site might make me feel both crazy and sane at the same time. I ask friends, family, and my significant other about the news, and literally no one knows about the things we see, post, and comment about. Even my GF that I’ve spent 7 years with says she understands, but legitimately doesn’t understand that we really are in the midst of a war, the repercussions, and potential outcomes, that no matter how much I describe, elaborate, contest, etc, doesn’t matter, because she would rather watch Shark Week, Diners Drive-Ins and Dives, etc. WTF? WHY IS NO ONE INTERESTED IN TODAYS’ REALITY, and would rather enjoy LAST YEARS’ mind numbing bullshit
Why does an ostrich stick its head in the sand in response to danger?
Same reason