posted ago by Rubieroo ago by Rubieroo +29 / -0

On the road passing through MO, KS, CO, UT, NV, and into CA. Lots of parked cargo trains but I have not seen one moving cargo train in over a month. Anyone else seeing an unusual number of parked cargo trains? Concerned about supply line disruptions. I know they DO stop at times but I've never seen so many stopped and NONE moving for so long.

Also, for LA region patriots I was just sent this while on the road. LA County Health Dept making a move, and also looks like they're getting at the homeless finally. Because everyone noticed that they were NOT infected. If all they have is tests that don't work, how can they tell the homeless have the Rona? 🙄 Sorry about FB link. Feel free to convert https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4284510691587920&id=142309405808090