The book of Revelation is THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. Revelation is a book that teaches who and what Jesus Christ is. It reveals Him in all of His glory, unveils Him in all of His fullness. You will find Jesus the Christ in every chapter of the book, for it is the revelation of Himself. When we read the message of the Revelation with a heart that seeks after Christ, we see in every page His face and hear from every line His voice. If we do not see Christ in the pages of the Revelation, then all we see is vanity. By drawing near to this book in the power of the Holy Spirit, we draw near to Christ. How beautiful that is! May the elect of God receive much grace to see more and more of Christ in the pages of this book!
The book of Revelation is the Sixth Gospel of Jesus Christ. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote what they saw of Jesus Christ on the earth in the days of His flesh. Luke, in the book of Acts, wrote of the revelation of Jesus that came by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and throughout the in-part realm of the earnest of the Spirit during the church age. But John, in the book of Revelation, wrote what he witnessed of the full and complete revelation of Jesus Christ that comes to and through "him that overcometh." It is the revelation of Jesus Christ in sons upon mount Zion, in the manchild on the throne, and in the New Jerusalem come down from God out of heaven. John the Revelator wrote what he saw of the ascended and glorified Christ manifesting out of the heavens of God's Spirit. This book releases the mind of Christ out of celestial realms. We must by the Holy Ghost get on the horse, put our feet in the stirrups, take hold of the reins and ride through this book experientially in the anointing from on High. We must be in the Spirit on the Lord's day to understand it, just as John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day to receive it. And when we do - we see Jesus!
"Glory is nothing more nor less than the expression of God's nature through a human vessel. That's what glory is! Christ in us is the hope of God expressing Himself through us to creation."
"The visions of the book of Revelation are well-ordered and each of the keys to the book testifies of itself. The idea that the body of Christ is a company of kings and priests, so graphically set forth in chapters four and five, suggests that our ministry is to bring people out of an old world order into a new world. Noah was commissioned by God to bring his family out of an old world into a new world. He passed through the destruction of the flood, stepped out of the ark, and established a new age and a new order in the earth. When we come to the book of Revelation there is so much that looks like judgment, destruction and retribution upon mankind and the earth - the grass, the trees, the rivers, the seas, the mountains and valleys, the cities, nations and peoples - but these are mere figures for the passing away of a realm of life, a sphere of existence and a state of being - old Adam with all the systems, order, society, culture, institutions and ways of the fleshly mind and life. The Spirit is speaking of the coming into being of a new heavens and a new earth within ourselves. God is raising up in the earth today a new people with a new mind, nature and heart, a new spirit, a new temple of God, a new order of priesthood and kingship, a new habitation of God, a new revelation of God, a new city of God, a new government of God, a new order of God within men. Hallelujah!"
Why not read it is so much more fulfilling than the news.
John 15:18 If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have been guilty of sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father also.
Way more!
The revelation of Jesus Christ is also the revelation of the body of Christ, for it is impossible to have a revelation of Christ the Head apart from a revelation of Christ the body. We are members of Christ, bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh, mind of His mind, will of His will, nature of His nature, and spirit of His spirit. The book of Revelation is about Jesus Christ raised up in, and revealed in, HIS BODY!
Keep on spreading the word friend and may God bless you.
The book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ. The word "revelation" means to unveil, uncover or take the cover off. The unveiling of Jesus Christ -
The revelation of Jesus Christ must be within us!
Understood as THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, immediately the book is transformed from a history book into a spiritual book showing forth the victory and triumph of the Christ of God, Head and body. The saints have heard the term "apocalypse" and it conjures up ideas of the wrath and vengeance of God, tribulation, destruction, and the end of the world. Yet the word apokalupsis from which our English word "apocalypse" is derived, carries no negative connotation in the Greek! The whole book of Revelation is the Apocalypse that is so important to us! Whatever is happening, good or bad, sweet or painful, is a part of the unveiling of Jesus Christ!
"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him." These words should speak to every saint of God a great truth - Jesus did not come into the world knowing who He was or what His purpose was - Jesus had to be taught of the Father just as you and I have had to be taught! God gave unto Him an unveiling of His identity and purpose. This unveiling came to Jesus so that Jesus could show it unto His servants. "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him, to show unto His servants..."
John begins the Revelation with these words: "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John." The word "signified" is the Greek word semaino which is a derivative of the word semo meaning a mark or sign, or to indicate by signs or symbols. The English word could be written SIGN-I-FIED - demonstrating that it means to communicate by means of signs or symbols. We understand, of course, that is exactly how the Revelation was communicated to John and the whole book is a book of pictures and symbols!
You will understand a great truth when you see that a sign is never the reality - it merely points to the reality!
In the Gospels you have the Lord Jesus as He walked the earth. You see Him not only in His marvelous ministry of teaching and miracles, you see Him in His humanity, in His weakness, in His humiliation, in His reproach, in His rejection, in His suffering, and in His death. But the Gospels aimed at the resurrection and ascension. The last view you have of Jesus in the Gospels is of Him ascending in a cloud, and He was received out of their sight. What happened after that? That is where the book of Revelation begins!
God makes war because He loves us. All that appears in the book of Revelation as destruction and devastation is but a picture of God’s love, correction and instruction that is consuming the ignorance, self-will and foolishness within the heart of a child.
The fact that the revelation of Jesus Christ was communicated to John in the form of signs and symbols shows clearly that there is no "literalness" in the book. The idea behind each and every word is to convey a higher meaning than the literal words contain, the truth of which must be seen and experienced by man spiritually, internally. This higher, concealed, inner, spiritual meaning, cast in the words and sense-images of ordinary events, can only be grasped by the quickened spirit and the renewed mind, and it is exactly here that the difficulty lies in conveying the deep spiritual things of God to the natural man. A person's human level of understanding, regardless how educated or intellectual he may be, is clearly not equal to grasping spiritual truth. This is why Jesus, after speaking a parable, so often said, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear!" (Mat. 11:15).
It should be clear even to a child that the events of the Revelation happen within God’s people!
It should be clear even to a child that the events of the Revelation happen within God’s people!
The Greek word APOKALUPSIS is a derivative of APOKALUPTO. APOKALUPTO is a compound word composed of APO, meaning "off" or "away," and KALUPTO, meaning "to cover up." Thus APOKALUPSIS means to take the cover off, to uncover, unveil, reveal or disclose. It implies the drawing away or removal of everything that veils or hides, and therefore it is always opposed to concealment or secrecy.
"The Bible means just what it says and says just what it means!" sounds good, perhaps even spiritual, and often brings some hearty "amens," but this cannot apply when the Holy Spirit speaks and conveys truth through symbols. The very nature of a symbol is that it means something else! Otherwise it would not be a symbol!
The world is full of people today who are prophesying about a great many things. I never cease to be amazed at those who prophesy world events that are to come to pass. So many of them have prophesied and they were not right; their prophecies failed! Some of them have never prophesied anything that has come to pass, yet they keep right on prophesying, and their followers quickly forget the things that didn't happen and continue to cling tenaciously to each new prediction. Some have called me a prophet. I don't claim to be a prophet, though I have prophesied through the years, and do believe that my voice is a very small part of the many waters of God's corporate prophet who speaks in this new kingdom Day. I know what prophecy is. I know Jesus who is the author of all true prophecy, and IS HIMSELF THE TRUE PROPHECY. "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy!" (Rev. 1:2-3; 19:10).
In the spirit of Jesus is the real truth and it cannot be found in any other place! Jesus is alive in you, my brother, my sister, and He is alive in me. God has given us the spirit of His Son! The testimony of Jesus within ourselves is the spirit of prophecy!
Hearing by the Spirit. This is the revelation of Jesus Christ in you! The glory of this revelation was passed from Jesus to John. John wrote down the wonder of what he saw so that we could hear the same thing that Jesus spoke to him. One can only understand this prophecy as he becomes still enough to hear the voice of the Son of God within himself!
the angel of Jesus Christ cannot be an angel as we think of angels! All the heavenly angels in the book of Revelation are representations of messages sent to us from God. In the Greek language the word angel means messenger and in the book of Revelation the angel stands for a message!
"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass..." (Rev. 1:1).
"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John: who bear record of the word of God..." (Rev. 1:1-2). Notice the steps of revelation - It originated with God! It was given to Jesus Christ! He gave it to His angel! His angel gave it to John! And from John it goes to His bondslaves! It comes to the servants of God that they might know what is coming to pass - their destiny in God. And that is the way it has come to you and me today!