posted ago by G45Colt ago by G45Colt +58 / -0

Any time I wonder about where things are going, and why it's taking so long for criminals and punishment to meet each other, I remember the impossible....

There was no way for Trump to win in 2016. Obama was in the WH, the DS owned all three branches of government, and just like 2020, vote counting stalled after midnight in 2016. Trump was doing well early on, and then Hitlery seemed to be gaining momentum going into the night. I recall thinking that somehow, they were going to steal another election. But then something strange happened, the DS failed to come up with the votes they needed to steal the election. Clearly something happened. We all know they would have continued counting ballots for days, but they didn't. Something stopped them. Maybe the electronic machine links failed, and/or fake ballots weren't delivered, and corrupt election officials didn't push the limits. I don't know what all happened, but I suspect a few things went down that no one knows about yet.

Q let us know that Patriots were in control, and gave us plenty of hints to prove it. Q also let us know there was more to come, and that 2016 was not another 4 year election.

Waiting is the hardest part. So I try to do what I can to help push things forward. I'm convinced we all have a part to play in this. In the end, education is going to be the key that unlocks all the chains holding people back. It's pretty obvious that many people have no idea what is going on. In the last few weeks, and in several different states, I'm not sure how many people I've talked to about the Arizona audits. Most of the people I talked to have heard little or nothing about the audit. Most were surprised to hear it's a full forensic audit of the actual ballots, and not a simple review of a few documents. I encourage people to look into it.