No, I'm not a shill, I have no media source, no intention of sending it anywhere.
Just meant to show the stupidity of 'identifiers' on birth certif and olympics (both on news today). If a person identifies, then go all the way not just when convenient.
Off topic?
There were 2 stories on cable news today. One is regarding sex identified on birth certificates, the other on the man identifying as a woman in the Olympics.
Lol nice try. It is hard to convey irony through text, and given most of GW gets how stupid these labels are this just triggered them. Would have been a great troll though. Have a great day.
I identify as a vaxxed person - how can I get a "card"?? :)
You are a shill. Wrong forum. Also what media source are you planning on sending the comments section to?
No, I'm not a shill, I have no media source, no intention of sending it anywhere.
Just meant to show the stupidity of 'identifiers' on birth certif and olympics (both on news today). If a person identifies, then go all the way not just when convenient.
I did expect some angry responses.
Removed. Reason: Off Topic
Off topic? There were 2 stories on cable news today. One is regarding sex identified on birth certificates, the other on the man identifying as a woman in the Olympics.
Stick it far up your asshole and leave it there.
Get psychiatric help.
Ding Ding, you win. The best response so far.
Are you a woman? or do you identify as a woman? This is why you are not being taken seriously here.
I'm an old lady just trying to show the stupidity of identifiers.
I guess if its not a cartoon it must be serious.
Lol nice try. It is hard to convey irony through text, and given most of GW gets how stupid these labels are this just triggered them. Would have been a great troll though. Have a great day.
Invest in a good speculum. A cheap plastic one can snap off and cause a bunch of problems.