The lab / bat argument is a ruse to keep everyone distracted.
Its oddly reminiscent of the Democrat and Republican parties. Two sides of the same bullshit. No matter which we choose, the Deep State wins.
The way we win is to stop playing their game, and start thinking three steps ahead. Hence, we need to ask ourselves what the Deep State stands to gain from these apparent intel drops. Distraction is the clear answer. They are laying out a trail for us to sniff our way down while they quietly cover up the fact that this whole thing has been a scam from the start.
"There is no COVID-19 virus."
What is the basis for this theory?
From time to time, I witness the claim that "SEARS-Cov-2 does not meet Koch's principle. So this virus does not exist".
However, Koch's principle should be applied to the "identification of bacteria".
Unlike bacteria, viruses do not have cell membranes and cannot multiply without borrowing the host's cell division ability.
This means that pure culture is not possible.
So, Koch's principle cannot be applied to viruses as if it were an ironclad rule.
Do you have any other arguments, other than Koch's principle?
Cite one single study that proves through peer reviewed research that the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 has been isolated.
Also, tell me which non-PCR test can detect this supposed virus. As you should be well aware, the PCR test, which has been the predominant method for detecting C19 has recently undergone a recall due to it's high false positive feedback, and inability to distinguish one coronavirus from another.
Find me the peer reviewed study, and the effective testing methodology.
Until I see such research I shall continue in my assertion that COVID-19 does not exist.
There is no COVID-19 virus.
The lab / bat argument is a ruse to keep everyone distracted.
Its oddly reminiscent of the Democrat and Republican parties. Two sides of the same bullshit. No matter which we choose, the Deep State wins.
The way we win is to stop playing their game, and start thinking three steps ahead. Hence, we need to ask ourselves what the Deep State stands to gain from these apparent intel drops. Distraction is the clear answer. They are laying out a trail for us to sniff our way down while they quietly cover up the fact that this whole thing has been a scam from the start.
"There is no COVID-19 virus." What is the basis for this theory?
From time to time, I witness the claim that "SEARS-Cov-2 does not meet Koch's principle. So this virus does not exist". However, Koch's principle should be applied to the "identification of bacteria".
Unlike bacteria, viruses do not have cell membranes and cannot multiply without borrowing the host's cell division ability. This means that pure culture is not possible.
So, Koch's principle cannot be applied to viruses as if it were an ironclad rule.
Do you have any other arguments, other than Koch's principle?
Cite one single study that proves through peer reviewed research that the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 has been isolated.
Also, tell me which non-PCR test can detect this supposed virus. As you should be well aware, the PCR test, which has been the predominant method for detecting C19 has recently undergone a recall due to it's high false positive feedback, and inability to distinguish one coronavirus from another.
Find me the peer reviewed study, and the effective testing methodology.
Until I see such research I shall continue in my assertion that COVID-19 does not exist.
Oh, if you look closely, you can see that the question was not addressed to me. I replied to it.