I saw a Tik Tok video not too long ago that had an anonymous person warning smokers not to smoke, and suggesting, in an off handed manner, that something will be added to cigarettes in the future that will be extra harmful.
I noted it, since I’m an occasional smoker. And I categorized it with the information that came from China at the start of the pandemic that noted very few smokers seemed to get Covid. Several arguments suggest that nicotine is responsible for a protective effect via the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR).
Tucker had it on his show and it appeared in several newspapers. I was inclined to believe it was true, but the Deep State got to work trying to relieve us of this notion—that smoking may neutralize the virus. They planted several articles stating that smokers get the virus worse. But it was too late for a lot of people that knew what the government was doing was propaganda.
But then came this new GOVERNMENT study proving the neutralizing effects of nicotine. Really!? The government? Admitting there might be a way to avoid Covid? Hell, they still won’t admit HCQ is a cure.
But then I got to thinking about the warning in the Tik Tok video and it occurred to me that by releasing this bizarre study, they might be encouraging us to smoke now, and maybe because they are putting something new in cigarettes—something harmful.
Look, there’s NO way they were going to let some of us escape Covid by smoking. You can bet they’ve found a way to use it to harm us rather than help us.
I’ll be keeping an eye on this. In the meantime, here’s the government study That was just released. It’s a strange study, almost looks hastily thrown together.
also saw that some menthol smokers weren't getting the virus due to the excess mucous in their lungs and trachea. two months later they call for an end to menthols.
it's really nothing for them, to be honest.