WITHIN THE LAST WEEK... People are waking up and resisting another lockdown for the Plandemic!
People are witnessing the Election Scam being brought to light!
People are about to get a dump of Declas from Maxwell's case and Biden mentions drinking baby blood multiple times in the last week or so!!
Women yells "We NEED you back" and TRUMP replies something like "You are going to be happy soon"
Still needs to get a lot worse before the awakening
I... really.... really don't think it does.
I agree.. we will probably see massive inflation that will cause a stock market crash or something along those lines as well. I don’t know much about it but I heard somewhere the fed just put a stop to the printing of money so the government has to start to pay back its debt and I think that will be the root of the cause that sparks it..
You're correct with the debt ceiling. No more insane spending, debts must be paid, and no more printing money. The Fed is fucked.
Good they been holding down gold and silver. When they shoot up you will know