posted ago by MrsBitterButter ago by MrsBitterButter +10 / -0

On Laura Ingraham tonight (Yeah, i know...Fox. But my 84yo mom likes their primetime lineup and she gets whatever she wants!)

Laura interviewed Dr Byram Bridle who explained the science behind the vaccine allowing for mutations of COVID. Basically he said that the vax targets a single protein in the virus. Once that happens, the virus only has to replace that single protein and becomes a whole different animal that the vaccine does not protect against. Hence, vaxxed folks getting COVID and transmitting the virus.

If I find the clip, I will post. She had him on last night as well explaining that the vaccine does not stay in the shoulder muscle like other vaccines and that they are finding traces of the spike protein (which is apparently a toxic pathogen) in the blood which travels to "unexpected" parts of the body.

There were a couple of posts two of months ago on this board. There is a link in the discussions outlining his findings which are exactly what he finally got to outline on MSM.

https://greatawakening.win/p/12ih9f2zsD/vaccine-expert-dr-byram-bridle-w/c/ https://greatawakening.win/p/12ih4zW98I/the-spike-protein--dr-byram-brid/c/