My sister - who lives in Jacksonville, Florida - just texted me and said that her husband met with a neurosurgeon - he needs surgery, but he can't have it due to the "overwhelming" covid "inpatients". According to my sister, he will remain on crutches / wheelchair and in constant pain! These hospitals need to be held FINANCIALLY responsible for the pain and suffering they are causing regular patients due to their LIES!!
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This is a lie. What hospital. I live in Florida. Hospitals are running normal
Out hospital system is not running "normal" and we are overrun with COVID patients who are very sick. Where we live it is not business as usual in Central Florida.
False. My brother caught Covid. It was nothing more than a bad cold. No reason for anyone to be hospitalized.
Also just for your info, for any hospitalized patient no matter the diagnosis, daily medical updates have to be given to insurance companies for each patient and each day has to be approved by insurance. You dont get to occupy a room in a hospital without it being medically necessary.
If I understand correctly, hospitals were getting 80k per Covid patient ?? There is your incentive … don’t know if that is still the case.
Bullshit! You can go to the hospital without insurance.
I have worked in hospitals for over 40 years. I have never seen a patient with just a cold on a vent. This most recent group of patients is younger with fewer comorbidities. I audit patient charts and I see the documentation so I know what I am talking about. Where does your expertise come from?
Serious question: Why does the hospital in OKC look vacant if they’re so busy? The news reports they’re full but if you drive by there’s no one visible.
I am in Central Florida. My wife works at a hospital.
She says there is an uptick in corona patients, but the flip side to this is that they also began testing -everyone- again three weeks or so ago (sound about right for recent media surge)?
LOLOL … that’s it. But who coordinated this state wide to bump cases across ALL different care provider chains ??
Many of them are very large networks that own many hospitals. Not the answer to your excellent question though.
I agree that they are testing more, but the sick patients occupying so many hospital beds arent faking.
Yes, I would like more data. She doesn't work on the Corona wing (consistently, she has before earlier on) so it's difficult but I still try to draw as much as I can from her.
Because I know what I am talking about? Lol. All you know to do is call names.