I went out fishing this morning and a guy was putting his boat in beside me. He had on a Trump 2020 had and I told him I liked his hat. I also told him I was glad to see no "4". He turned around quickly and said oh no Trump will be back in soon. He was in the special forces under Reagan and has been following the timeline of things. As I left I said by and good luck fishing and to enjoy the rest of the summer. He suddenly got a big smile and said I can't wait.
We have to be the majority. It is incredible!
Sat at a lakeside restaurant today next to another group of maybe 20 people or so. They all had trump gear on. It's not uncommon where I live but it never gets old seeing it.
I live in San Diego ..the only Trump gear or Q stickers are on me ..I know CA is Red but they’re to afraid to prove it ..well SD is more blue which sucks
Well, the Sailors have all been briefed on the "qanon conspiracy" to avoid contact with it.