...but we didn't. The explanation is simple. No matter how stupid you think your leftist friends are, the movement as a whole is diabolically brilliant. We aren't allowed to protest. If we do, there's a roving band of "antifa" hanging around to destroy shit, and that will be blamed on us. Our hands are fucking tied. We are told to stay away from "organized" events because they are traps. We can't go on like this. We must learn to say the following words:
Fuck the optics
At some point we have to though. I hope it's soon
At some point we need to all be willing to walk out of the cage they built around us, because we are lucky they left the door wide open. All we have to do is walk out. Get off social media where they censor us, stop shopping at places that discriminate against us, refuse to cooperate with companies that want to force us, stop spending your money on movies and music that fund the same people who insult us, same with sports, just stop watching it, apple wants to spy on you so get rid of your smart phone, be willing to live uncomfortable for a while to show them we won't play this game anymore. This country would come to a screeching halt if we all got fed up enough to sit at home, stop spending our money on THEIR corporations, and say enough is enough. And I mean all of us, including the doctors and nurses who are too scared to speak out, the military personnel who think they have no choice, the teachers who are afraid they are the only ones. We are the majority! If we all grow a spine, stop being cowards, and are willing to live without the comfortable jail they created for us, then we will win. Do not comply! No masks! No vaccine! Hold the line! This is the line that matters! HOLD IT! It's starts with the individual and it spreads, more and more people will follow suit! It's now or never! We all either agree to be uncomfortable for a short time, to sacrifice for a short time, or we agree to doom ourselves and the next generations to unending slavery.