Last I checked, the USA was at ~331 million people. There is always some flux with births, deaths and so forth, but it seems a good number so I'll just run with this.
331,000,000x0.04= 13,240,000
331,000,000x0.06= 19,860,000
So approximately 13.2 to 20 million across the country are so brainwashed, deceived, or otherwise mentally challenged they will never accept what is coming.
No "meh, oh well", not even grudgingly accept. Flat refuse. Lost.
So that puts up to 20 mil who will feel like there was a coup, the country is being taken over by their enemy, and there is nothing they can do about it....except what?
Basically what I'm driving at, is not only do we have to figure out how to help those who will be confused and in denial, we will have millions who will flat refuse reality, and do what, complete mental breakdowns? Physically attack others? Plot against real America? Has anyone given thought to this, who/what/when/where/how do we handle this?
Of course with love and kindness as much as possible, we're talking about many people, broken in many ways. Has anyone else been thinking about this?
In addition, those are the lost numbers. Does that mean everyone else will be rainbows and butterflies? Doubtful.
Just some thoughts coming to me this evening.
Good thing to do. Two daughters here. They both study history. They're fully aware of what will come if we don't succeed.