I understand that. However this is the test used as hospitals around this country. However I work in the ER and have extensive covid experience. When I order a pcr test it distinguishes between covid, all corona viruses and the flu. Most pcr tests I order in the ER are negative for covid. All I am saying is what if covid is also being transferred using another vector Ike water, instead of just respiratory droplets?
Is it really just the test or are they using another vector to expose humans to the virus?? Just a thought.
The inventor of the PCR test said once and again that it can't be used for this that will give any result but the truth.
I understand that. However this is the test used as hospitals around this country. However I work in the ER and have extensive covid experience. When I order a pcr test it distinguishes between covid, all corona viruses and the flu. Most pcr tests I order in the ER are negative for covid. All I am saying is what if covid is also being transferred using another vector Ike water, instead of just respiratory droplets?
So you're a doctor, an NP or a PA?
ER physician in Florida.