posted ago by NorthusMaximus ago by NorthusMaximus +131 / -0

Nothing negative except minor ivermectin burps. Lol. And one very interesting, actually pleasant observation... after swallowing the right weight appropriate dose plus some extra for good measure, my body felt the arrival of it, as it went down, as a physical exhilaration. I'll say it. Very nearly a rush! Isn't that intriguing? I felt like the bod gave it a high-five, saying 'it's about damn time!' I must have really, really needed it. A tip for y'all: Don't bother trying hard to get apple flavored ivermectin. Flavoring really didn't contribute. ( though our horses like the apple smell) Plain is fine. Has the consistency of thick gel and dose is 1/2 to 1" chunk of it, depending. Valley Vet Supply has Ivermectin paste for less than 6 bucks and shpg is 7. Or so. Brand doesn't matter. I got Duravet. But careful to get plain ivermectin not a blend. Chase your dose with pnut buddah👍Had no aftertaste issues. Piece a' cake.