On Telegram I have followed a few of the integral presenters from the Cyber Symposium. Wanted to share a few of the messages from there with you all. If you want to follow Dr. Frank here is the link: https://t.me/FollowTheData/762
Sorry I've been so quiet this week. Of course, if you were watching the Cyber Symposium this week, you know that I've been anything but "quiet."
But I don't want you to worry, so I wanted to check in. Mike and the team are fine, but when I start telling the stories of all that happened this week, I think you will be astounded we survived the crucible so well.
No doubt God's hand was in it, and his angels were very busy.
"Threading the Needle"
In Sioux Falls we were under attack on many fronts, and had to navigate a very difficult series of minefields.
"Threading the needle" does not mean that we are/were lying about what happened. It means we had to keep you truthfully informed without compromising our counter operations. A very difficult task with so much at stake and in the heat of battle.
Despite all the planning, things did not go so well during the Normandy invasion. And Normandy was a major turning point in the war, establishing a beachhead offensive and resolve that represented a major turning point in the war.
I believe that what happened in Sioux Falls is analogous to Normandy.
"No plan survives first contact with the enemy."
To understand the series of events that took place in Sioux Falls this week, consider this statement, and apply it on an hourly basis.
One of the challenges I face is that there are many players in this war, and as many approaches. I have not personally verified most of what is out there. In fact, my scientific controls constrain me to limited interaction with most of what is out there.
For example, I am under a deliberate media blackout. I did not even know about the "insurrection" in January until many weeks later.
This being said, I am planning to investigate some suspicions I have after the cyber symposium, of some of the data I was exposed to there for the first time.
Gee... it's hard to do everything!
YES, the PCAPs are real. And you can see a "scrubbed" movie of some of the data from them streaming on FrankSpeech.com
Think about it... would it be OK for Mr Lindell to publish the passwords for 3009 counties' election systems in the country?
Of course not. But considerable resources were spent to deliver to the public a LARGE sampling from six states.
"Big Reveals"
The two big reveals planned for Tuesday night were the Whistle-blower and the existence of the forensic images of the election systems for two counties in two different states.
The first reveal took longer than we planned, and there were some hitches. So we postponed the second reveal until Wednesday morning.
And by the way... there is more. Lots more. 😉
"The Whole Story"
I've read several hypotheses about what took place last week at Lindell's cyber symposium.
I haven't read a correct one yet.
But some good tries.
Remember Occam's Razor... the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one.
Admittedly, there were many things going on simultaneously, so it would be challenging to untangle them.
There were times WE didn't know what was going on.
Warfare is like that.
Beth (my assistant) has been nagging me (affectionately) to finish the "whole story" we began writing on Friday for y'all.
Trouble is... there are still things going on. Where to draw the line, and what is safe to reveal, is not settled yet. But we are getting there.
In the interim, please know that there is more to come, and that the efforts already underway in so many states are growing geometrically... with or without PCAPs.
To my knowledge, I have never been involved in military ops before.
Well, last week was baptism by fire.
And I have a new appreciation for the training and tenacity of our military folks. God bless them.
There were ops, counter-ops, multiple teams, canary traps, poison pills, PsychOps and SecOps.
One Op I haven't heard much discussion about, I will call "SpirOps." Short for spiritual operations.
Unbeknownst to most folks, there were individuals backstage, teams in back rooms, and teams and individuals across the country praying aggressively for us. In real time. Spiritual warfare. The real deal.
Prayer warriors wielding powerful spiritual weapons against the forces of evil.
After this ordeal, I am convinced that the SpirOps were the most important Ops of the week.
Make no mistake, my friends. This is not merely a battle for our country, for liberty, and for the Truth, this is a spiritual battle for the souls of a nation and the entire world.
And the SpirOp is ongoing. If you are not yet engaged, I encourage you to bring your spiritual weapons to the table.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." -- Ephesians 6:12
If you don't have it, ya'll better get you some JESUS!
EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!
He didn't come here to make nice with other religions. He plainly states that "No one comes to the Father, but through Me"
Muhammad will bow, Budda will bow, Satan will bow along with every other diety' you can muster up. God Bless frens!