posted ago by TipperooToo ago by TipperooToo +20 / -0

Lin Wood and others are organizing civil disobedience beginning 9-11. Details will come from #fightback at 911strikeback.com. Should be interesting! From Lin Wood’s telegram:


  1. Organize and attend prayer meetings. Pray for God to save our country. Pray for ALL.

  2. Organize and attend peaceful rallies throughout your state. Let your voices be heard and your presence felt. Let the “leaders” know your demands and your determination. Thousands of small rallies will collectively be more powerful than one large rally.

  3. STOP doing business with the enemy. Show the enemy who really holds the power of the purse strings. Hurt the enemy economically.

  4. Organize your community for communication and support services locally.

Remember, we are ALL in this together.