The more it makes sense.
Central bank. Economy collapse. First social program, social security.
Social security is due to collapse, never a plan to fix it. Err... there was a plan just not public. Medicare is also, insolvent.
At a casino, you have almost 50% odds. It probably varies but I had heard the house always wins and has a 50.5% advantage over the crowds. I think the idea is the greater the flow of money the more they can siphon. Now consider the central banks got 6% for a long time. The house always wins.
Low teacher wages. Make it less likely anyone with a brain will join up. Need a really dumb sheep to teach out Marxist values.
Always sending money overseas, to wash and capture it. This is why it was never used to help the American public.
DOD/Darpa. Created the internet, lifelog, and the mRNA tech.
The graphene in the shot could be like "the black liquid" in the Xfiles. Most of those peps died.
Pull the building referring to building 7 on 9-11. To pull a building is a demolition term for a building they spent weeks rigging to take down its own foot print. Fuck me is that Kevin Spacey narating? Weird. "Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse (whispered)"
The DOJ announced on September 6, 2001 that it was no longer seeking to break up Microsoft and would instead seek a lesser antitrust penalty. Microsoft decided to draft a settlement proposal allowing PC manufacturers to adopt non-Microsoft software.