posted ago by RighteousWeed ago by RighteousWeed +30 / -0

With the Supreme Court being as corrupt as Biden and Congress, the whole Federal system, every dem stronghold and half the republican ones...with all of it being so far out of whack, thanks mostly to people compromising our fuk'n freedoms and liberties at every freakin turn. Modern day Americans are a far cry from our founders. These days people want free shit, not freedom. So, really, we the people, what can we do? i mean what can WE do NOW to halt the insanity?? every day faux-Biden, the Pretender in chief, the Resident of the "white house" and puppet for killary, is viewed as POTUS we lose our country by leaps and bounds. We have a freakin invasion coming across our southern border in waves... wanna know why covid numbers are going up.. and notice they don't keep track of legal status as it relates to covid... wag the dog indeed.

I have so much faith, it's kinda ridiculous... i KNOW we come out on top in all of this but damnit, it just seems so insurmountable! Q can't do it, Trump can't do it, hell, WE can't do it. The good news tho, each grouping i just mentioned ALL have one trait in common and i know it's what will bring US through this - tho i have NO DAMN IDEA HOW, but God will bring us thru this - and not fukn "allah" (and absolutely hell no THAT is not the same as Jehovah) (for those who don't know, allah is the deceiver, not the redeemer.)

I had to vent coz, just, damn man, how long does this go on already??? that fuk-tard in thief is just .... gaaaaaa. You know??!!!