Actually, I found this to be extremely interesting, albeit long. I don’t know about his actual Cabal connections or not, but this video (is the one about the Insurance Companies, BTW) had him saying that he was approached by what I can assume is the Cabal, and he flat out turned it down because he valued his Soul. He said that they demonstrated the 3 enticements of evil, comparing them to the 3 Temptations of Christ. He said that these patterns of evil can be observed, by those who know how to recognize them, and avoided once you know what to look for. He also mentioned that he was raised Mormon. Now, I am not making any judgements on anything to do with Christianity, but he spoke a lot about humans being made in God’s image, etc. He sounded, actually, a lot like most of the people on this site. Watching the entire video may be a bit better, than just watching the first bit.
Yes, he does have a vibrant ego, as often accompanies those with Genius IQ, but nevertheless, he provided some fascinating information.
If he is evil, then he does an awfully good job of telling others how to recognize it. His favourite comments seem to coincide with “Thou Shalt Have no Other God Before Me”.
I believe he said he was raised Mennonite. I didn’t go back and listen to verify, but a guy I work with is Mennonite so the word struck a chord with me when I heard it.
Actually, I found this to be extremely interesting, albeit long. I don’t know about his actual Cabal connections or not, but this video (is the one about the Insurance Companies, BTW) had him saying that he was approached by what I can assume is the Cabal, and he flat out turned it down because he valued his Soul. He said that they demonstrated the 3 enticements of evil, comparing them to the 3 Temptations of Christ. He said that these patterns of evil can be observed, by those who know how to recognize them, and avoided once you know what to look for. He also mentioned that he was raised Mormon. Now, I am not making any judgements on anything to do with Christianity, but he spoke a lot about humans being made in God’s image, etc. He sounded, actually, a lot like most of the people on this site. Watching the entire video may be a bit better, than just watching the first bit.
Yes, he does have a vibrant ego, as often accompanies those with Genius IQ, but nevertheless, he provided some fascinating information.
If he is evil, then he does an awfully good job of telling others how to recognize it. His favourite comments seem to coincide with “Thou Shalt Have no Other God Before Me”.
Just saying.
I believe he said he was raised Mennonite. I didn’t go back and listen to verify, but a guy I work with is Mennonite so the word struck a chord with me when I heard it.