Obviously this Pfizer vaccine…. Complete train wreck
opioids (oxycodine, etc) are the only thing I can really think of…
I know my wife’s boss will attempt a second vaccine push at my wife. So I need this ammo for her to be like “FDA also approved this, and was a complete train wreck”
The best would be any FDA approved drugs which ended up being black listed
AND, the scary thing is, I don’t see FDA ever revoking the approval for these Covid “vaccines”. And if they do, it will be long after the pandemic and done so very quickly and quietly
Quaaludes, Cylert, Deacon/Darvocet, Des, PTZ/Metrazol, Posicor, Vioxx, Durant, Ergamisol, Hismanal, Lotronex, Meridia, Merital & Alival, Micturin, Palladone etc. you could go on forever with the bullshit “FDA” approved that was later revoked or never should have gotten approval.
Fantastic work!!! You guys are great!! Thanks for the ammo!
Haha, I happen to like yours as well. I am also of Polska lineage