Hello fellow Americans,
Saturday I was in a protest in Nantes in France. I was in front of the procession, then I stopped and waited to be at the back before resuming walking. It took 25 minutes for this to happen. The day after, our local newspapers claimed we were only 3000 people, which is totally ridiculous, we were AT LEAST 30 000. Meanwhile they announced that 175 000 people in France protested, and I know someone in the police close to the "ministère de l'intérieur" (in charge of the police), who told me that the real number was around 3.5 millions (over a population of 67 millions). It means that the MSM are not lying a bit, they are making up a parallel world. I am a french dude who doesn't use the MSM to know what is going on in the USA, and I would just like to advise you not to trust the MSM from ANY country. The protests in France are huge and are getting bigger every week. I saw that with my own eyes.
We are getting drone footage and reports, but this is the first I heard nearly half the population. Way to go France.
The reason we are not having protests like yours is because they are trying to get us to do it so they can justify getting rid of us. We are fighting, just different and we are getting more good visibility, although slowly.
I think you Americans have a false sense of security because you still have guns, and because the policies between blue and red states are very different, so you can always move to a red state. In France, everything is centralized in Paris, and we have a psychopath as the head of the country. So for us, this is do or die. And no, french people did not vote for him, but most of the french are not aware of that, because the fraud was not made during the vote, but during the counting, so it was not as obvious as it was in your country. This was a blessing to your country that the fraud was so massive and so obvious.
I understand but your federal government isn't going to take all your guns someday. But with legislations like Patriot Act, he can remove your freedom very slowly, step by step. For instance, with the vaccine, he can make it mandatory and get you fired if you don't comply. And your guns will be useless in this case. Don't get me wrong, I'm very pro 2A, I'm just saying there many ways to control you, without using guns. Hence the false sense of security I was talking about.