Isn't a CEO mandating their employees get vaxxed...practicing medicine w/o a license?
⚠️ Vax-tarded ⚠️
Title says it all. Can we do anything with that?
Not unless employers who tell employees to stay home when sick are also practicing medicine. There are useful arguments, and there are lazy arguments. This is a lazy one - especially in a right-to-work state (28/50 are).
You don't see the gulf of difference between requesting people stay home when they are sick and REQUIRING THAT THEY HAVE A FRACKING MEDICAL PROCEDURE PERFOMRED ON THEM AS A CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT?
As a truck driver, I did. That is how I know that they can legalize this if there is not enough push back.
They have precedent.
Grant it, nothing was injected... but there is enough precedent out there that pressured judges could rule against us. It is why we need to stick together and keep fighting it.