Found a farm supply store near me, they do sell horse paste dewormer some with and some without ivermectin. Going to buy a few tubes, but have zero idea what to look for. I figure get the one with the most amount of ivermectin in it, as that's the ingredient we're after?
Comments (11)
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great resource
You're the best! I watched it and it answered my questions...even down to which one to buy.
Look for ones with Ivermectin, ONLY. Many contain other drugs, do not buy them.
Dosage on paste listed in micrograms, you must convert to milligrams for human dosage.
For my horse, I purchased DuraMectin.
Buy one that has only ivermectin as the listed active ingredient, NOTHING ELSE. There are combo pastes out there with other stuff in it.
Don't get the apple flavored stuff thinking it will taste better. My horses are pretty good about taking the plain white paste, but they do their best to spit out the apple flavored variety.
You can barely taste the apple flavor. It's really pretty plain tasting.
I just gave my horse her first dose was super simple after watching the video from Horseinaround listed in this post. The flavor was apple blandness. I inverted spoon and scraped it over the center of my horses tongue. My horse didn't seem to detect anything off-putting about the flavor, I purchased the Durvet, apple flavored brand.
Straight from the horse's mouth - I just bought a package but some line items are out of stock.
EDIT: bought from ValleyVet
Buy the one with Ivermectin.