I love Flynn. Trust me, WE ARE the plan as well. Get active in your local community and take back America. I cannot stress this enough. Flynn said we were "outmaneuvered" in January or February, and he recently expressed concerns regarding the direction of our country. Trump, Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and the few other names cannot do it without us. Go out there and fight. Organize protests/ralllies, and heckle your local city council. Recall the commies (physical signatures). Good luck frens.
No one knows for sure, but if they weren't, it would still be wise for us to do something instead of "stay back and watch." Or maybe WE THE PEOPLE are starring in the movie too? Maybe "Enjoy the show" never mean to be construed as "sit back and watch?" Anyways, I'm not too sure, but I dont want to risk it anymore. It's better to go out there and get locally involved in your community. You make amazing new friends along the way as well. The internet, sharing links on GA.WIN, it's very easy to do, we're comfortable. But the harder (and right thing to do) is to go out there and kick some ass in your local communities. Grassroots style.
I really dont know what to think about Flynn anymore.
According to the "new" General Flynn recently, our inaction makes us complicit in this current mess. The "old" Flynn suggested otherwise and for everyone to enjoy the show.
Mixed signals coming from Flynn. Thats not a typical trait from a General in my book. Wondering what his deal is.
I have read it, and there seems to be something rather HUGE which Flynn must have forgotten. HOW can anyone win any election when the voting process is rigged???
Explain that one please!
We still wait several months for the Kraken. Where is it?
We still wait for the AZ audits. Whats the deal there?
We still wait for all the evidence from the Lindell Cyber Symposium. Oops, he made a lot of promises, yet delivered nothing.
So how does anyone good win any elections at this point?
I would love for Flynn to address such important questions.
I love Flynn. Trust me, WE ARE the plan as well. Get active in your local community and take back America. I cannot stress this enough. Flynn said we were "outmaneuvered" in January or February, and he recently expressed concerns regarding the direction of our country. Trump, Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and the few other names cannot do it without us. Go out there and fight. Organize protests/ralllies, and heckle your local city council. Recall the commies (physical signatures). Good luck frens.
So is the military no in control?
No one knows for sure, but if they weren't, it would still be wise for us to do something instead of "stay back and watch." Or maybe WE THE PEOPLE are starring in the movie too? Maybe "Enjoy the show" never mean to be construed as "sit back and watch?" Anyways, I'm not too sure, but I dont want to risk it anymore. It's better to go out there and get locally involved in your community. You make amazing new friends along the way as well. The internet, sharing links on GA.WIN, it's very easy to do, we're comfortable. But the harder (and right thing to do) is to go out there and kick some ass in your local communities. Grassroots style.
I’m just happy to hear more people taking this stance
Link: https://www.worldtribune.com/gen-flynn-on-american-alamo-u-s-military-command-could-be-brought-up-on-charges/
The big could
I really dont know what to think about Flynn anymore.
According to the "new" General Flynn recently, our inaction makes us complicit in this current mess. The "old" Flynn suggested otherwise and for everyone to enjoy the show.
Mixed signals coming from Flynn. Thats not a typical trait from a General in my book. Wondering what his deal is.
I have read it, and there seems to be something rather HUGE which Flynn must have forgotten. HOW can anyone win any election when the voting process is rigged???
Explain that one please!
We still wait several months for the Kraken. Where is it?
We still wait for the AZ audits. Whats the deal there?
We still wait for all the evidence from the Lindell Cyber Symposium. Oops, he made a lot of promises, yet delivered nothing.
So how does anyone good win any elections at this point?
I would love for Flynn to address such important questions.
Yet it does nothing to prevent voting machine rigging...
The most important problem!