According to the "new" General Flynn recently, our inaction makes us complicit in this current mess. The "old" Flynn suggested otherwise and for everyone to enjoy the show.
Mixed signals coming from Flynn. Thats not a typical trait from a General in my book. Wondering what his deal is.
He's already said multiple times in interviews that there is no plan and we're on our own. People keep saying "of course he's saying that to confuse the enemy". Search for "Operation Trust". Flynn said again in a recent interview that the military won't do anything because top brass is compromised.
But we aren’t supposed to use force......
According to the "new" General Flynn recently, our inaction makes us complicit in this current mess. The "old" Flynn suggested otherwise and for everyone to enjoy the show.
Mixed signals coming from Flynn. Thats not a typical trait from a General in my book. Wondering what his deal is.
He's already said multiple times in interviews that there is no plan and we're on our own. People keep saying "of course he's saying that to confuse the enemy". Search for "Operation Trust". Flynn said again in a recent interview that the military won't do anything because top brass is compromised.