posted ago by Judicator ago by Judicator +9 / -0

Posted this on c/Technology already, didn't get a whole lot out of there yet.

Hey all! I'm looking to put together a sort of quick idiot-proof guide to overwhelming/fighting internet censorship, in particular on the social media platforms.

I know enough about tech to know it will not be as simple as making a bunch of free emails, then making a bunch of accounts, and spamming stuff, because most of these platforms will have IP, MAC address, etc. bans, but I honestly don't have much of an understanding of the specifics of these filters or methods of evading them.

I'd imagine a VPN would help, but what else would one need for a platform like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or Reddit?

And to be clear, I know stuff won't just magically stay up. I just want to try and get a way around the automated stuff to try and oversaturate more manual censorship or force them into a stricter post lockdown.

Any and all help would be appreciated. I want to ideally put together a sort of poster/graphic that I can spread around friendlier parts of the internet (other .wins, for example) so that even the more technologically illiterate people can do their part to fight and overwhelm the censorship of big tech.

Even just a little point towards other resources would be appreciated!
