Watch them float trial balloons and try to change the Overton Window in real time....
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Are all the vaccine-zealot-judges getting paid off? What about the doctors and pharmacists? Or do they really believe this nonsensical Covid vaccine crap? There is so much evidence that the vaccines don’t stop the spread it is stupid obvious. I’m starting to wonder if we are the only ones NOT on the Medical Mafia’s payroll! (No offense to other mafias.)
It's about the Great Reset.
I know but how many in the U.S. are paid off and in on the scam? Any idea?
FTA: “It’s just dumb not to get vaccinated,” Shapiro tells the man. “ Nobody with half a brain is not getting vaccinated these days. The only people not getting vaccinated are dying, OK."
I'd say Shapiro (the judge) is confused about who has half a brain.
he relies alot on hyperbolic language when it's convenient. Like when he talks about broder issues and Isreal.
Good for you judge, now resign, you have shitty judgment.
Pretty obvious they want to be able to make the legal argument that not vaccinating your children is cause to have them taken away so vaccines can be forced on them.
First step is to do it if you aren't vaccinated.