The interesting part is at the bottom of page 23 which shows the deaths from delta variant based on vaccinated and unvaccinated status etc. TL:DR The unvaccinated make up a third of the deaths, the fully vaccinated make nearly 2 thirds and the remainder are partially vaccinated and unknown status deaths. A few things for pedes to take into account. This data doesn't include all the delta variant cases in the UK as they are not doing genomic sequencing on all cases, this data is only on the cases that they have done the sequencing on and has established that they are therefore on of the variants. The interesting part is at the bottom of page 23 which shows the deaths from delta variant based on vaccinated and unvaccinated status etc. TL:DR The unvaccinated make up a third of the deaths, the fully vaccinated make nearly 2 thirds and the remainder are partially vaccinated and unknown status deaths. A few things for pedes to take into account. This data doesn't include all the delta variant cases in the UK as they are not doing genomic sequencing on all cases, this data is only on the cases that they have done the sequencing on and has established that they are therefore on of the variants.