I Believe
Let us pretend for a moment, that we are in a very small, remote community of primitive people.
And someone asks you to go find the watering hole to fetch some water.
And lets us go further and say, you don't know where the watering hole is. You have never been there before.
This is where I believe. That it is much easier to BE TOLD where the watering hole is. Rather than to have to just go looking for one on your own. So one might ask, or not even have to ask, where the watering hole is. Somebody else will tell you where it resides, so that it will be easier to find.
I believe that for The Majority, as humans are prone to exhibit in my experience, will much more take the easy way, rather than going on an adventure of learning to find The Source for themselves.
I have not only seen this exhibited in others but have experienced it many times in my own life, where I took that road.
Problem, others have noticed this, and have exploited it to further personal gains. Example, Vaccine.
Where can freedom be found? Does one trust the direction of another? Or find it for themselves?
This is a big problem. And one I attribute to the masses going along with what they are told, even though there are overwhelming numbers of people rejecting. Which is good in my opinion. But The Overlords are upset with this. Thier slaves are starting to think for themselves.
We know. And we try to tell others they are being lead to a poisoned watering hole. But yet, we are the crazy ones for saying, go find it for yourself.
We try to give instruction on how to find a watering hole. But the lazy do not want to learn, they wish to just be told, and will obey.
It is a problem, but yet i have hope in Jesus and The LORD.
We are in a time of literally grave decisions. Choose wisely.
That we are in this forum reminds me that we seek our own Water. And that is such a great thing to be a part of.
But we must not give up the fight to save those who believe in The Poison.
Love You Frens.
Let us find The Real Water on our own. And truthfully, we don't even have to find it on our own. We have a detailed map of exactly where all good water can be found. The Bible. Like a rock in the midst of a great storm, we can find our saving grace in Jesus.
Which will you choose? To take another's word for where water can be found? Or find The Everlasting Spring with the help of your Father?
Big hugs, times are rough right now. Keep it Strong. Find The Real Water.
This is why I believe we are close to the end of this movie. The cabal is backed into their last corner. The vaccine jig is up. Democrats have no public behind them. They are gonna push hard this week leading up to 9/11. Audit looming, Durham ready to pounce. Afghanistan fiasco. Something bugs coming, I can feel it in the air. Be smart patriots.
Yes. Keep an eye on the Aussie Trucker Strike, too.
Gotta wade through a sea of Lies to find a sliver of Truth. But once eyes can see, there is no un-seeing I believe.
How is the vaccine jig up? with 5.3B dosed administered and 2.13B people fully vaccinated. The numbers are nothing but rising.
I have not read that. But everything you said is spot on. It is truly lamentable. It all is, and I treasure your statements about not blaming the sheep. Because it truly isn't thier fault. Which makes it even more sad. But I also know this. Everything is as it should be. And must be, because it is. And HE said, I AM. There is a reason, I know it. Because I know HE knows it. I might not know that reason, but that is okay, maybe I'm not supposed to. Or maybe I will find out at the right time. You are a well thinking contributor, and I appreciate your input all over this board. Keep killing it, and we Shall have victory, possibly bot in this life, but eternally, we will spend it rejoicing with The LORD.
Loved your rant.
Yes. Watch the water. 😀
Exactly. ☝️
Your story is a very interesting one. And it amazes me how much of your bible, that you have absorbed throughout your life. And you know, I grew up in and out of churches, I openly rejected The LORD in my late teens early 20's. I never considered myself atheist though, I always had a feeling GOD was real, I just wanted to be HIS enemy when I was younger.
I started down the path of electricity in 2010 I believe it was, maybe 2011. Residential Electrician. Found Magic in Electromagnetic Induction. Fast forward a few years, I'm going to school to become an Electrical Engineer. Now I work as an Industrial Controls Engineer. I design Automated Systems for big industry. And I program Machine Brains. It's pretty intense. And I have literally had to take a step back in my line of work to question what it was that I do. Because I will tell you, we are at the point of our technology rivaling Black Magik.
The reason I say this to you, is to emphasize my understanding of how you said you were a prisoner to logic. And I know logic. That is literally all my job is. The 1 and the 0. Black and White, something and nothing. And how many different things you can do with combinations of opposites.
But what ultimately lead me to school and The LORD was recognizing The Beast System rising. I started school in 2014 with the intent to learn more about this beastly electrically driven machine that grinds us all into conforming little slaves. In Hope's that when the time came in the future, I would be better equipped to fight it. I was so desperately foolish I realize now.
As an inquisitive mind, I studied occult and history and language in my free time in an effort to uncover how this world became so rotten. I then found The Aleph, and The Beth. The first 2 letters of the Ancient Hebrew Language. Which is known by many names, phoenician/hebrew, just phonecian, Ancient Canaanite, but in any case, it is considered the oldest alphabet there is. Excluding sanskrit which if I remember bow is possibly younger than paleo/hebrew, and hieroglyphs... I am interested very much in Communication. The Word.... I was on The Way and I didn't even know it yet...
Smush Aleph and Beth together, you get AlephBeth. Make it greek, AlphaBeta, latin, AlphaBet. A and B.
I am typing in a descendant of the Ancient Hebrew Language known as English. The LORD spoke all into existence, Jesus was called The Word made manifest. I love The LORD. And it seems as though HE is working in your life. I say continue. Loves Brotha!
That is very cool!!! Then you know what I do fren! And your reply is even cooler. AB comms from Alphabet! Comms from The LORD!! Hahaha!! I have never heard it put that way! I had wondered if you dealt in logic when you spoke of it. It is funny because our entire modern words operates off of logic, but yet the silly human overlords are doing thier best to blur every line they can. And in the business we're in, you go mixing positive and negative together... Sparks will most certainly fly! Ha! Man, I really appreciate the bits of your story you have shared in this thread. One of the realest conversations I have had in a while.
u/#pratt That was one heck of an interesting read, I only got halfway through because I am at work right now on lunch but duuuuuude!! That is some serious business. I never thought the pool pics would point to plants that passed or failed at becoming plants. And I had also never counted the fingers in the clinton and obama paintings. These people are most certainly sick! And the, "Watch The Water" comm makes a whole lot more sense now. Making it even more imperative to find the real water sources rather than focusing on all the plants.