“Seeking guidance”? Utter nonsense. Our laws are VERY clear about this kind of stuff. All allegations should be immediately investigated, and the victims removed from harm’s way.
And in my humble opinion, all men found to have child brides should be immediately shipped back to their own country. Pedophiles and rapists should not be accepted into this country as refugees.
In NY in the 1980s there was an older (60-ish) man sitting in the park openly holding his grand daughter's vulva, she a baby with a diaper on, and his hand under the diaper where the thigh is. A woman, horrified, called the police, who came and arrested the man, and charged him with child sexual abuse. Within a week, he was issued and apology and people were warned that this was their "culture" and that he wasn't sexually abusing her, that this was commonplace. Wanna guess the religion of the grampa?
“Seeking guidance”? Utter nonsense. Our laws are VERY clear about this kind of stuff. All allegations should be immediately investigated, and the victims removed from harm’s way.
And in my humble opinion, all men found to have child brides should be immediately shipped back to their own country. Pedophiles and rapists should not be accepted into this country as refugees.
In NY in the 1980s there was an older (60-ish) man sitting in the park openly holding his grand daughter's vulva, she a baby with a diaper on, and his hand under the diaper where the thigh is. A woman, horrified, called the police, who came and arrested the man, and charged him with child sexual abuse. Within a week, he was issued and apology and people were warned that this was their "culture" and that he wasn't sexually abusing her, that this was commonplace. Wanna guess the religion of the grampa?