My manager, with a M.S. in nursing, is very pro masks and Covid shots. She told me today a colleague’s daughter was sick-lost taste and smell and was congested. This colleague was taking her daughter for a Covid test-child was freaking out she might have Covid. On my way home, my manager called to tell me that, (what do you know), the child tested positive for Covid and she is “vaccinated”. Trying to talk to these people about Covid, masking, the false test is an exercise in futility. My response, “More vaccinated are getting sick and testing positive, than unvaccinated.” They do not get it.
I'm with you.. but what about all the people we know that are vaccinated and are doing fine. I am very happy they are doing fine but that part doesn't make sense to me. If these vaccines are so bad.. will it eventually catch up with them or the majority will be fine? I saw a interview with Dr. Z.... I think the video was titled Mass Genocide Injections.
Dr. Zelenko's video in front of the Jewish Council mentioned 3 phases of danger. 1st phase usually happens within a week or so. The 2nd phase is ADE, signs of which are showing according to Robert Malone based on the data out of Israel. We'll soon find out in the Fall/Winter here in the States, or even later in the future, but MSM will likely blame some "super variant spread by the unvaxxed." The 3rd phase is long term consequences - autoimmune diseases, reduction in fertility, cancer.
Dr. Zelenko did not mention another important discovery by Dr. Charles Hoffe, who found that 62% of patients he was studying had signs of micro blood clots that go undetected and can only be found on a special test called a d-dimer test. The spike proteins cause micro blood clots and will eventually make its way to the heart and brain where it cannot repair itself. He estimates those people will die in 2-3 years. By the way, Dr. Hoffe's office with all his research info was conveniently "burned" down.
This is not even considering the graphene oxide that Karen Kingston, former Pfizer rep said was in the vaccines on the Stew Peters show. We can only guess at its intended use.
No one knows for sure what will happen, if ADE will take place en masse, or if people will die of heart attacks and strokes in 3 years, or maybe people's lives just get shortened by a decade at the tail end. But, unless we're being seriously gaslighted by the doctors and scientists we trust, we're in for a world of pain. I think it's wishful thinking to believe we will come out clean in the end; people are already dying from the vax. 13,000+ in Vaers (CDC whistleblower said at minimum 45,000 deaths back in June/July); Euro equivalent of VAERS system was removed, but numbers were similar and there were nearly 2million adverse events reported back in July. 2015 study estimated that only 1% of incidents are actually reported in VAERS, but perhaps because of more awareness that number has gone up for this crisis, but by how much. There is proof that some incidents have been scrubbed from the system.
My manager, with a M.S. in nursing, is very pro masks and Covid shots. She told me today a colleague’s daughter was sick-lost taste and smell and was congested. This colleague was taking her daughter for a Covid test-child was freaking out she might have Covid. On my way home, my manager called to tell me that, (what do you know), the child tested positive for Covid and she is “vaccinated”. Trying to talk to these people about Covid, masking, the false test is an exercise in futility. My response, “More vaccinated are getting sick and testing positive, than unvaccinated.” They do not get it.
I'm with you.. but what about all the people we know that are vaccinated and are doing fine. I am very happy they are doing fine but that part doesn't make sense to me. If these vaccines are so bad.. will it eventually catch up with them or the majority will be fine? I saw a interview with Dr. Z.... I think the video was titled Mass Genocide Injections.
Dr. Zelenko's video in front of the Jewish Council mentioned 3 phases of danger. 1st phase usually happens within a week or so. The 2nd phase is ADE, signs of which are showing according to Robert Malone based on the data out of Israel. We'll soon find out in the Fall/Winter here in the States, or even later in the future, but MSM will likely blame some "super variant spread by the unvaxxed." The 3rd phase is long term consequences - autoimmune diseases, reduction in fertility, cancer.
Dr. Zelenko did not mention another important discovery by Dr. Charles Hoffe, who found that 62% of patients he was studying had signs of micro blood clots that go undetected and can only be found on a special test called a d-dimer test. The spike proteins cause micro blood clots and will eventually make its way to the heart and brain where it cannot repair itself. He estimates those people will die in 2-3 years. By the way, Dr. Hoffe's office with all his research info was conveniently "burned" down.
This is not even considering the graphene oxide that Karen Kingston, former Pfizer rep said was in the vaccines on the Stew Peters show. We can only guess at its intended use.
No one knows for sure what will happen, if ADE will take place en masse, or if people will die of heart attacks and strokes in 3 years, or maybe people's lives just get shortened by a decade at the tail end. But, unless we're being seriously gaslighted by the doctors and scientists we trust, we're in for a world of pain. I think it's wishful thinking to believe we will come out clean in the end; people are already dying from the vax. 13,000+ in Vaers (CDC whistleblower said at minimum 45,000 deaths back in June/July); Euro equivalent of VAERS system was removed, but numbers were similar and there were nearly 2million adverse events reported back in July. 2015 study estimated that only 1% of incidents are actually reported in VAERS, but perhaps because of more awareness that number has gone up for this crisis, but by how much. There is proof that some incidents have been scrubbed from the system.