Its honestly not entirely the doctors faults IMO, the media is lying to everyone, their own regulators have brainwashed them and intimidated them, tied their livelihoods to their aquiessence, the fear has overloaded their patients who are in turn overloading them who are just as fearful. People are easily bribed, or intimidated or silenced, some are just plain psychotic. The insitutions that taught them have enslaved them to the debt wheel we all seem to run on. The lies are so vaste and so terrible, the truth would put 99% in the (mental) hospital, for whether knowingly or not, we have all in some small fashion enabled this disasterous world somehow by our own inaction and uncaring.
These ones won't ever. They need to be Nuremberged and we need new ones.
Its honestly not entirely the doctors faults IMO, the media is lying to everyone, their own regulators have brainwashed them and intimidated them, tied their livelihoods to their aquiessence, the fear has overloaded their patients who are in turn overloading them who are just as fearful. People are easily bribed, or intimidated or silenced, some are just plain psychotic. The insitutions that taught them have enslaved them to the debt wheel we all seem to run on. The lies are so vaste and so terrible, the truth would put 99% in the (mental) hospital, for whether knowingly or not, we have all in some small fashion enabled this disasterous world somehow by our own inaction and uncaring.
Oh yes I agree. Many are brainwashed with the Mockingbird media. Sad. But all of us Frens are working to wake them up.